ตั้ง Auto Scale Up, Down ให้ Azure SQL Database แบบ DTU ทำงานภายใต้ Alert โดยใช้ Runbook
เนื่องจาก Database แบบ DTU ยังไม่มี Option ให้ทำ Auto Scale เพื่อให้ขนาดใหญ่ขึ้นได้ ดังนั้น ถ้าเราจะทำเราสามารถใช้ GitHub Actions ช่วยได้
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/automation/learn/powershell-runbook-managed-identity
# Require: Enable the common alert schema
[Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$ResourceGroup = "ResourceGroup-name",
[string]$ManagedIdentity_Method = "SA",
[string]$ManagedIdentity_UserAssigned = "Runbook-Auto-Scale",
[string]$Min_DTU = "S0",
[string]$Max_DTU = "S2",
# UP or DOWN
[string]$Scale_Mode = "UP"
# Validate Input
# Because Azure SQL tiers cannot be obtained programatically, we need to hardcode them as below.
$DtuTiers = @('S0', 'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S6', 'S7', 'S9', 'S12', 'P1', 'P2', 'P4', 'P6', 'P11', 'P15')
$automationAccount = "AutomationAccountName"
if (($Scale_Mode -ne "UP") -and ($Scale_Mode -ne "DOWN")) {
Write-Output "Invalid Scale Mode. Choose UP or DOWN."
function Find-Array {
param (
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array.length; $i++) {
if ($Array[$i] -eq $Search) {
Return $i
Return -1
$MaxDtuIndex = Find-Array -Array $DtuTiers -Search $Min_DTU
$MinDtuIndex = Find-Array -Array $DtuTiers -Search $Max_DTU
if ($MaxDtuIndex -lt 0) {
Write-Output "Cannot find Max DTU ($CurrentDtu) in DTU List"
if ($MinDtuIndex -lt 0) {
Write-Output "Cannot find Min DTU ($CurrentDtu) in DTU List"
# Authen
# Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook
Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
# Connect using a Managed Service Identity
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity).context
# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription `
-DefaultProfile $AzureContext
if ($ManagedIdentity_Method -eq "SA") {
Write-Output "Using system-assigned managed identity"
elseif ($ManagedIdentity_Method -eq "UA") {
Write-Output "Using user-assigned managed identity"
# Connects using the Managed Service Identity of the named user-assigned managed identity
$identity = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup `
-Name $ManagedIdentity_UserAssigned -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
# validates assignment only, not perms
if ((Get-AzAutomationAccount -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup `
-Name $automationAccount `
-DefaultProfile $AzureContext).Identity.UserAssignedIdentities.Values.PrincipalId.Contains($identity.PrincipalId)) {
$AzureContext = (Connect-AzAccount -Identity -AccountId $identity.ClientId).context
# set and store context
$AzureContext = Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName $AzureContext.Subscription -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
else {
Write-Output "Invalid or unassigned user-assigned managed identity"
else {
Write-Output "Invalid method. Choose UA or SA."
Write-Output "Account ID of current context: " $AzureContext.Account.Id
# Define Function
function Scale-Up {
param (
# Write-Output "Current DTU ($CurrentDtu)."
if ($CurrentDtu -eq $DtuTiers[$DtuTiers.length-1] -or $CurrentDtu -eq $Max_DTU) {
Write-Output "DTU database is already at highest tier ($CurrentDtu)."
else {
$CurrentDtuIndex = Find-Array -Array $DtuTiers -Search $CurrentDtu
if($CurrentDtuIndex -ge 0){
$RequestedDtuTier = $DtuTiers[$CurrentDtuIndex + 1];
Set-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -RequestedServiceObjectiveName $RequestedDtuTier
Write-Output "Scaling Up to Service Objective: $RequestedDtuTier"
} else {
Write-Output "Cannot find Service Objective ($CurrentDtu) in DTU List"
Write-Output "Cancelled Scaling Up"
function Scale-Down {
param (
if ($CurrentDtu -eq $DtuTiers[0] -or $CurrentDtu -eq $Min_DTU) {
Write-Output "DTU database is already at lowest tier ($CurrentDtu)."
else {
$CurrentDtuIndex = Find-Array -Array $DtuTiers -Search $CurrentDtu
if($CurrentDtuIndex -ge 0){
$RequestedDtuTier = $DtuTiers[$CurrentDtuIndex - 1];
Set-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName -DefaultProfile $AzureContext -RequestedServiceObjectiveName $RequestedDtuTier
Write-Output "Scaling Down to Service Objective: $RequestedDtuTier"
} else {
Write-Output "Cannot find Service Objective ($CurrentDtu) in DTU List"
Write-Output "Cancelled Scaling down"
# Start Runbook with WebHook
# If there is webhook data coming from an Azure Alert, go into the workflow.
if ($WebhookData) {
Write-Output "$WebhookData"
# Get the data object from WebhookData
$WebhookBody = (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $WebhookData.RequestBody)
# Get the info needed to identify the SQL database (depends on the payload schema)
$schemaId = $WebhookBody.schemaId
Write-Verbose "schemaId: $schemaId" -Verbose
if ($schemaId -eq "azureMonitorCommonAlertSchema") {
# This is the common Metric Alert schema (released March 2019)
$Essentials = [object] ($WebhookBody.data).essentials
Write-Output $Essentials
# Get the first target only as this script doesn't handle multiple
$alertTargetIdArray = (($Essentials.alertTargetIds)[0]).Split("/")
$SubId = ($alertTargetIdArray)[2]
$ResourceGroupName = ($alertTargetIdArray)[4]
$ResourceType = ($alertTargetIdArray)[6] + "/" + ($alertTargetIdArray)[7]
$ServerName = ($alertTargetIdArray)[8]
$DatabaseName = ($alertTargetIdArray)[-1]
$status = $Essentials.monitorCondition
else {
# Schema not supported
Write-Error "The alert data schema - $schemaId - is not supported."
# If the alert that triggered the runbook is Activated or Fired, it means we want to autoscale the database.
# When the alert gets resolved, the runbook will be triggered again but because the status will be Resolved, no autoscaling will happen.
if (($status -eq "Activated") -or ($status -eq "Fired")) {
Write-Output "resourceType: $ResourceType"
Write-Output "resourceName: $DatabaseName"
Write-Output "serverName: $ServerName"
Write-Output "resourceGroupName: $ResourceGroupName"
Write-Output "subscriptionId: $SubId"
# Gets the current database details, from where we'll capture the Edition and the current service objective.
# With this information, the below if/else will determine the next tier that the database should be scaled to.
# Example: if DTU database is S6, this script will scale it to S7. This ensures the script continues to scale up the DB in case CPU keeps pegging at 100%.
$currentDatabaseDetails = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName -DefaultProfile $AzureContext
$edition = $currentDatabaseDetails.Edition
$serviceObjective = $currentDatabaseDetails.CurrentServiceObjectiveName
Write-Output "Database Edition: $edition"
Write-Output "Database Service Objective: $serviceObjective"
if (($currentDatabaseDetails.Edition -eq "Basic") -Or ($currentDatabaseDetails.Edition -eq "Standard") -Or ($currentDatabaseDetails.Edition -eq "Premium")) {
Write-Output "Database is DTU model."
if($Scale_Mode -eq "UP") {
# Scale Up
Scale-Up -CurrentDtu $serviceObjective -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName
elseif($Scale_Mode -eq "DOWN"){
# Scale Up
Scale-Down -CurrentDtu $serviceObjective -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -ServerName $ServerName
else {
Write-Output "Not support vCore model Database"
else {
Write-Output "Skipping scaling because the status is $status"
else {
# Error
Write-Error "This runbook is meant to be started from an Azure alert webhook only."